• $12 Per Game

  • $9 Per Game

  • $5 Per Item

To join us on the field of battle:

  1. Read the rules before you come to play. We will run over them before each game, but a basic familiarity will help you on field!

  2. Register to play - you can prefill your form via the link on this page, or fill in when you arrive at the field!

    (If you are under 12-18yrs, you must have a parent/guardian sign, and remain on site with you.)

  3. Get to the field! Wear loose, plain sports clothing and remember to bring some hydration! We know you’ll be in full costume mode before too long!

Your first game is free - with free weapon hire!

Warpath LARP Pty Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation.

Money received is used for the betterment of the game - examples include; field hire, business registration, insurance and equipment.

ABN:82 679 002 085