Two nations at war… choose your alliance - and forge your own destiny!

The Helios Imperium

  • The Helios Imperium is a vast and powerful nation that prides itself on its military might, strategic brilliance, and unwavering dedication to expanding its dominion. Rising like a phoenix from the ashes of its early conquests, the Imperium now spans a large portion of the known world, with its territories stretching across diverse landscapes and encompassing a multitude of cultures and peoples. Governed by the iron hand of the Emperor and his Senate, the Helios Imperium is a beacon of order, civilization, and relentless ambition

  • At the heart of the Helios Imperium lies its central seat of power: the radiant capital city of Pax Solara. The Emperor, a figure of almost divine authority, rules with absolute power, supported by a council of senators who represent the various provinces and influential families within the empire. The Emperor is seen as the earthly representative of the sun god Helios, embodying the virtues of strength, wisdom, and justice. This divine connection legitimizes his rule and inspires both reverence and fear among the populace.

  • The military of the Helios Imperium is its most formidable asset. Known for their discipline, innovative tactics, and state-of-the-art weaponry, the legions of the Imperium are unmatched on the battlefield. Soldiers undergo rigorous training from a young age, instilling in them a sense of duty, honor, and loyalty to the empire. The legions are divided into various cohorts, each with its own specialization, ranging from heavy infantry to elite cavalry and siege engineers.

  • The culture of the Helios Imperium is a rich tapestry woven from the various lands it has conquered. While the central ethos revolves around Roman-inspired values of duty, honor, and civic responsibility, the Imperium also embraces and incorporates the traditions, arts, and knowledge of its subject peoples. This cultural synthesis has led to a flourishing of arts, science, and architecture, with grand temples, amphitheaters, and public baths adorning the cities.

  • Religion plays a crucial role in the life of the Helios Imperium. The state religion venerates Helios, the sun god, as the supreme deity, symbolizing light, power, and order. Temples dedicated to Helios are the center of religious and social life, where priests conduct elaborate rituals to ensure the favor of the gods. The Emperor is often depicted as the chosen of Helios, further solidifying his divine right to rule.

Gan Sriana

  • Gan Sriana is a coalition of fierce and proud tribes united under a common cause: to resist the relentless expansion of the Helios Imperium and preserve their way of life. Nestled in the rugged highlands and dense forests, the Gan Srian warriors are known for their tenacity, valor, and deep connection to their ancestral lands. Their society is built on a foundation of tradition, honor, and a deep reverence for the natural world, particularly their god, Kiernus, who appears as a majestic stag.

  • Gan Sriana is governed by a council of chieftains, each representing one of the allied tribes. This council is led by the King of Kings, a position earned through deeds of bravery and wisdom. The current King of Kings is, Eamonn Mac an tSaoir, is a respected leader known for his strategic acumen and unyielding resolve. Supporting him is War Chief Dougal Mac an tSaoir, an expert archer and tactician who leads the warriors in battle. The leadership is characterized by a meritocratic approach, where leaders are chosen based on their ability to inspire and protect their people.

  • Gan Srian warriors are legendary for their guerrilla tactics and intimate knowledge of the terrain. They favor ambushes, swift raids, and hit-and-run strategies, exploiting the weaknesses of their enemies. The military hierarchy includes the War Chief, Captain of the Black Watch, Black Watch Warriors, Black Watch Scouts, and Yeomen. Each unit has its own role, from elite warriors to nimble scouts who gather intelligence. Gan Srian pride themselves on their exceptional skills in archery, swordsmanship, and close combat.

  • Gan Sriana society is deeply rooted in its traditions and customs. Music, dance, storytelling, and athletic competitions are integral to their cultural identity. They wear distinctive tartan kilts and plaids, each pattern representing a different clan. The Gan Srian place great importance on community and unity, living by their motto, 'Ní neart go cur le chéile' (There is no strength without unity). Festivals and rituals honoring their gods are common, reinforcing their spiritual bond with nature. They have become a place of refuge for those leaving the Imperium.

  • The Gan Srian venerate many gods - but above all other - Kiernus, the god of the forest who appears as a great stag. They believe Kiernus protects their lands and guides their warriors in battle. Sacred groves and stone circles serve as places of worship, where priests and priestesses conduct ceremonies to seek the god’s favor. These rituals often involve offerings, dances, and chants, connecting the people with their spiritual heritage and the natural world.